These Habits Slow Your Body's Metabolism

These Habits Slow Your Body's Metabolism
What habits can slow your body's metabolism? The rate of metabolism in our body determines the speed of calories burned into energy. There are many factors that make it faster, or even slower. Some habits you do everyday may slow down body's metabolism, so it's better to avoid them.

If your body metabolism slows down, the number of calories stored as fat will accumulate faster than the number of calories burned. For those who want to lose weight, this condition is certainly not beneficial. You will gain more weight.

Unfortunately, there are some habits that can unconsciously slow down the rate of metabolism. We need to avoid these habits in order to get better health. Habits that can slow the metabolism of the body are as follows:

  • Skipping Breakfast
These Habits Slow Your Body's Metabolism
Skipping Breakfast Slows Your Body's Metabolism
Hungry in the morning, at first glance like a good strategy for a quick weight loss. In fact, many studies have shown that weight tends to increase when often skip breakfast.

Besides make you eat more at lunch time, there are other effects caused by skipping breakfast. Let the body in starvation conditions make the metabolism slows down, so that the accumulation of reserved calorie occurs faster than energy burning process.

  • Lack of sleep
These Habits Slow Your Body's Metabolism
Lack of Sleep Slows Your Body's Metabolism
Lack of sleep not only trigger drowsiness and limp on the next day. When sleepy, the body's ability to control blood sugar levels is reduced so that the stomach will often feel hungry and you want sweet food or beverage.
Read also: 11 Things to Avoid Before Sleep

  • Too Much Sitting
These Habits Slow Your Body's Metabolism
Too Much Sitting Slows Your Body's Metabolism
When you linger in office, energy requirements will be reduced compared to when doing a lot of physical activity. Therefore, the metabolic system will adjust so much slower. So to overcome this problem, it is advisable to stand up at least every 20 minutes.

  • Improper Exercise
These Habits Slow Your Body's Metabolism
Improper Exercises Slows Your Body's Metabolism
Aerobic cardio exercise is great for keeping the heart and lungs. But overdo it without balanced with weight training, will have an impact on the rate of metabolism. To increase the rate of metabolism, weight training is more effective for this type of exercise also formed muscle mass.

  • Stress
These Habits Slow Your Body's Metabolism
Stress Slows Your Body's Metabolism
When you are thinking too much about problems like jobs, bodies produce a stress hormone called cortisol. This hormone signals to hoard more fat. Calories burned into energy becomes smaller as more is stored as fat. It's one of slow metabolism causes, so you need to maintain your problems.
Read also: Jobs for People Who Get Bored Easily

  • Lack of Drinking Water
These Habits Slow Your Body's Metabolism
Lack of Drinking Water Slows Your Body's Metabolism
 To function properly, the human body needs fluids or hydration. Likewise, the metabolic system. A study mention that drinking water can increase the metabolic rate by up to 30%. Fresh water is better.
These Habits Slow Your Body's Metabolism 4.5/ 5stars Posted by: Linda

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