How to Train Brain to Think Fast

How to Train Brain to Think Fast
Tips to make your brain think faster - Brain is the center of all thoughts that will affect the whole body. Thus, it is important to optimize the functioning of the brain so that the brain can work more effectively. Have you ever your brain felt less responsive or slow? Is there solution to make your brain work better?

The human brain is basically a biological computer. Brain needs food, oxygen, and also needs exercise. You can do several things to improve brain power to exercise it, modify it, or even manipulate it. You probably will not be like Einstein, but it is also not a reason to not make it better. The things below will make your brain think fast.

  • Learn New Language
Learn a new language can slow down syndromes of dementia (decline of brain) to four years. It's believed that related to the increase of blood circulation and nerve connections. Learning new language makes our brain busy.

  • Changing Habits
The purpose of changing habits is to get another experience so your brain will work harder with something new. It train your brain to think faster. Change your habits for example you usually write with right hand, so try to exchange with left hand. Use the other way when leaving for work. This simple training can help brain concentrate to focus and improve it's effectiveness.

  • Playing Games
Never underestimate the game, and also assume that gaming is something negative. Some games like Sudoku actually requires the working of the brain. It helps us to develop brain power to think faster.

  • Multitasking
How to Train Brain to Think Fast
Multitasking to Train Brain to Think Fast
This double duty tips to do two different things at once. At the beginning, maybe you will feel confuse and lack of concentration, but if it trained well can increase the brain concentration so it can work better when you do something.

  • Learn New Vocabulary
An easy way to learn new vocabulary is to read an article on books, novels, newspapers, dictionary, or online news like on this blog. This technique makes the brain used to learn new words which is unusual in the hearing. It increase vocabulary and sharpen memory.

  • Avoid Instant Tool
Avoiding instant tool such as calculator, electronic dictionary, GPS and other tools. Those tools make us hardly thinking at all. It reduces our brain effectiveness to think. Use those tools in emergency only.

  • Listening a Song Repeatedly
Maybe we sometimes do it, if we have a song that we really like we often to hear repeatedly even we sing our favorite songs in the shower. Actually it helps the brain to memorize words without realizing, it increases power to memorize.

  • Laugh
How to Train Brain to Think Fast
Laugh to Train Brain to Think Fast
Laughter is not only the best medicine, it can also improve brain function and stimulates both sides of the brain at the same time. Make sure you laugh with your friends anytime. If you are in bad mood, just smile.

  • Being Creative
Paint or learn a new musical instrument, join the art class even if you are sure you suck at it. Being creative allows you to find new solutions to your problems and raise awareness at the same time.

  • Rest Your Brain
Although the brain has an amazing work system, there are limits in which the brain needs a break. Most adults can only focus on the job in just 60 minutes. To give ranges for your attention, stop working for a few hours and walk around. Other new action will reset the brain and you're ready to go back to work.

Try to see the children, they are full of imagination, and they learn more in the early years of their life is more than what we learned during the decade. Frees your mind from the prison of mind "an adult", you'll find a way of thinking that has never existed before, you will probably make the next big discovery. Think different way to make our brain faster.
How to Train Brain to Think Fast 4.5/ 5stars Posted by: Linda

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