Tips for Successful Breastfeeding

Tips for Successful Breastfeeding
Apparently not all mothers know about the techniques of how to breastfeed correctly. And the key to success in breast-feeding the baby relies on the technique. Although breastfeeding is a natural thing, but often the mother had trouble running the process. Do not rush to get discouraged. By practicing tips for successful breastfeeding, the results will be good for both mother and baby.

Breast milk contains 400 nutrients are perfect for the baby's needs. Along with the growth of baby, nutrition in it will suit the needs of the baby. Benefits of exclusive breastfeeding up to six months will reduce the risk of ear infection pain, inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia), inflammation of the gastrointestinal (gastroenteritis), while increasing intelligence.

Appropriate breastfeeding technique affects the intake of milk for the baby. If the techniques is not right, the intake of milk will be reduced. Rather than getting the milk, the fact that even the air that will go into the respiratory system of the baby. It is what will make the baby hiccups.
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Some of these things can be done to make the process easy and enjoyable for breastfeeding. Here are some tips for successful breastfeeding:
  • Make sure the mother and baby are in a relaxed and comfortable condition. The position of the baby's head should be higher than the body, it is intended that the baby is easier to swallow. Mom can support it by hand or prop a pillow. Then, place the baby's nose level with your nipple. This will encourage your baby opens his mouth.
  • When the baby started to open his mouth and want to nurse, then bring the baby to the breast. Wait until his mouth wide open with the tongue position toward the bottom. If the baby has not done so, mother can help the baby with the soft touch on baby's upper lip.
  • The the best position of the attachment are asymmetrical attachment. In this attachment, the baby's mouth is not only attached to the nipple, but in the area under the nipple and wide as possible. This attachment is one of the important requirements in how to breastfeed properly.
  • Signs that the attachment is good that when mothers do not feel any pain when the baby feeds and the milk is insufficient. Mom can hear when the baby is swallowing milk.
  • If the mother feels the pain, loose attachment by pressing the small chin downwards with caution, after the baby opened his mouth immediately release the nipple from the baby's mouth. Then, try again for better adhesion. Once the attachment is right, most babies will be able to suckle well.
  • Baby feeds about 5-40 minutes, depending on needs. Generally, it takes some time for the adaptation of mothers and babies that breastfeeding goes smoothly.

To be comfortable feeding babies, mothers should use special bra that has hooks or buttons on the front that can be opened easily. It would also avoid the clogged milk ducts or trigger inflammation of breast tissue (mastitis). To prevent leakage of breast milk in bra, mom can use breast pads inserted at the front of the bra.
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Often, it takes practice for some time until mother and baby can cooperate well during breastfeeding. If necessary, breastfeeding mothers can seek advice and assistance from a midwife or a lactation consultant to learn how to breastfeed properly.
Tips for Successful Breastfeeding 4.5/ 5stars Posted by: Linda

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